Team Work Makes The Dream Work

Team Work Makes The Dream Work

Team work makes the dream work, right?  We have all heard this saying.  But, you may be asking what does this have to do with relationships.  With Valentine’s Day approaching, this saying may help you give the gift of yourself to your partner and strengthen your relationship.   The Team For most of us, our […]

Thoughts on #MeToo

It’s hard not to have any thoughts about #MeToo with all that is going on with the movement and the Supreme Court Hearings.  I’d like to take a moment to think about this in terms of how it affects individuals on a personal level and set politics aside.   When you hear a woman has […]

Give Me Some Self-Care

Self-care is a term being used a lot lately but what does it really mean? Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as “care for oneself.” Ok. But, what does caring for oneself mean? Basically, self-care means taking steps to make sure you are healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually. I can hear some of you already saying […]

Fearing Fear

Have you ever wondered why we are so afraid of something different from ourselves?  It seems fear is the default emotion for things we do not understand or are not comfortable with.  This fear of what we do not understand is dangerous.  It leads to judgement and hate and divisiveness, which is why we should […]


Greetings cyber friends!  It’s been awhile since I’ve posted.  The end of last year and the beginning of this year I have been dealing with some changes.  It got me thinking about the sayings “the only constant is change” and “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”  At first blush these sayings […]

Do You Holiday Tradition?

Do you have a holiday tradition?  If you do, congratulations and I hope you continue to enjoy them.  If you don’t, I hope you will take a few minutes to read this post and gain an understanding about what makes them important. Traditions, whether they be seasonal or not are those events and experiences that […]

The Gift of Gratitude

This time of year is all about gratitude, giving thanks for the good in our lives.  I agree this is important, yet why do we seem to focus on this mostly at the end of the year?  What if we were to focus on the positive in our lives throughout the year? Being the visual […]

The Wedding vs. The Marriage

We’ve all been to that beautiful wedding that cost a fortune, where the décor is perfectly done, the food spectacular, the wedding party beautifully coifed and the party goes all night.  We sigh at the end, remarking how fun and festive it was.  We kiss the bride and groom goodbye and wish them well.  Then […]

Door #1, Door #2 or Door #3?

  Have you ever considered life is like the game show, Let’s Make a Deal.  Some of you may have seen it when it aired years ago with Monty Hall as host.  (FYI, today, Wayne Brady is the host).  The audience dresses up in crazy costumes hoping to be chosen as a contestant.  The contestants […]